League Schedule -- Season 65
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
06/15/2024 13:35:00 U Conn SquaNet Ninjas
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks Milwaukee Bucks
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe OBLOCK-ISO
06/15/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich TEAMKDW
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team The Mythical Knights
06/15/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie Beavers Hontsum
06/15/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Team Vicious
06/15/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ Leroy Stadium Team TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas Hever Hawks TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks Ice Europe
06/18/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO KV Kessenich
06/18/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW U Conn
06/18/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights pff geen inspiratie
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum FC Antwerp
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious RBC LLAJ
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team Jos_555 Team
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe SquaNet Ninjas
06/22/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich Milwaukee Bucks TV
06/22/2024 13:35:00 U Conn OBLOCK-ISO
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks TEAMKDW
06/22/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp The Mythical Knights
06/22/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ Beavers Hontsum
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team Team Vicious
06/22/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie Leroy Stadium Team
06/25/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas KV Kessenich
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks U Conn
06/25/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO Hever Hawks
06/25/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW Ice Europe
06/25/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights RBC LLAJ
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum Jos_555 Team TV
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious pff geen inspiratie
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team FC Antwerp
06/29/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO SquaNet Ninjas
06/29/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW Milwaukee Bucks
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe U Conn TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich Hever Hawks
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious The Mythical Knights TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team Beavers Hontsum
06/29/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Jos_555 Team
06/29/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ pff geen inspiratie
07/02/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas TEAMKDW
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks OBLOCK-ISO
07/02/2024 13:35:00 U Conn KV Kessenich
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks Ice Europe
07/02/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Leroy Stadium Team
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum Team Vicious
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team RBC LLAJ
07/02/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie FC Antwerp TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks SquaNet Ninjas
07/06/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW OBLOCK-ISO TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks U Conn
07/06/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich Ice Europe
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum The Mythical Knights
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team Team Vicious
07/06/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie Jos_555 Team
07/06/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ FC Antwerp
07/09/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas The Mythical Knights
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks Beavers Hontsum
07/09/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO Team Vicious
07/09/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW Leroy Stadium Team
07/09/2024 13:35:00 U Conn Jos_555 Team
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks pff geen inspiratie
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe FC Antwerp
07/09/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich RBC LLAJ TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum SquaNet Ninjas
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious Milwaukee Bucks
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team OBLOCK-ISO TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team TEAMKDW
07/13/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie U Conn
07/13/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Hever Hawks
07/13/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ Ice Europe
07/13/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights KV Kessenich
07/16/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas Team Vicious
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks Leroy Stadium Team
07/16/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO Jos_555 Team
07/16/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW pff geen inspiratie
07/16/2024 13:35:00 U Conn FC Antwerp
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks RBC LLAJ
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe The Mythical Knights
07/16/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich Beavers Hontsum
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team SquaNet Ninjas
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team Milwaukee Bucks
07/20/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie OBLOCK-ISO
07/20/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp TEAMKDW TV
07/20/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ U Conn
07/20/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Hever Hawks
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum Ice Europe
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious KV Kessenich
07/23/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas Jos_555 Team
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks pff geen inspiratie
07/23/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO FC Antwerp
07/23/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW RBC LLAJ
07/23/2024 13:35:00 U Conn The Mythical Knights
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks Beavers Hontsum TV
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe Team Vicious
07/23/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich Leroy Stadium Team
07/27/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie SquaNet Ninjas TV
07/27/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Milwaukee Bucks
07/27/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ OBLOCK-ISO
07/27/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights TEAMKDW
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum U Conn
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious Hever Hawks
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team Ice Europe
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team KV Kessenich
08/03/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas FC Antwerp
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks RBC LLAJ
08/03/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO The Mythical Knights
08/03/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW Beavers Hontsum
08/03/2024 13:35:00 U Conn Team Vicious TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks Leroy Stadium Team
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe Jos_555 Team TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich pff geen inspiratie
08/06/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ SquaNet Ninjas
08/06/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Milwaukee Bucks TV
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum OBLOCK-ISO
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious TEAMKDW
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team U Conn
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team Hever Hawks
08/06/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie Ice Europe
08/06/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp KV Kessenich
08/10/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas U Conn
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks Hever Hawks
08/10/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO Ice Europe
08/10/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW KV Kessenich
08/10/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Jos_555 Team
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum pff geen inspiratie
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious FC Antwerp
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team RBC LLAJ TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks SquaNet Ninjas TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe Milwaukee Bucks
08/13/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich OBLOCK-ISO
08/13/2024 13:35:00 U Conn TEAMKDW
08/13/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie The Mythical Knights
08/13/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Beavers Hontsum TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ Team Vicious
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team Leroy Stadium Team
08/17/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas Ice Europe
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks KV Kessenich TV
08/17/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO U Conn
08/17/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW Hever Hawks
08/17/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights FC Antwerp
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum RBC LLAJ
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious Jos_555 Team
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team pff geen inspiratie
08/20/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich SquaNet Ninjas
08/20/2024 13:35:00 U Conn Milwaukee Bucks
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks OBLOCK-ISO
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe TEAMKDW
08/20/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ The Mythical Knights
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team Beavers Hontsum
08/20/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie Team Vicious
08/20/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp Leroy Stadium Team
08/24/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas OBLOCK-ISO
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Milwaukee Bucks TEAMKDW
08/24/2024 13:35:00 U Conn Ice Europe TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Hever Hawks KV Kessenich
08/24/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Team Vicious TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Beavers Hontsum Leroy Stadium Team
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team FC Antwerp
08/24/2024 13:35:00 pff geen inspiratie RBC LLAJ
08/27/2024 13:35:00 TEAMKDW SquaNet Ninjas
08/27/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO Milwaukee Bucks
08/27/2024 13:35:00 KV Kessenich U Conn
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe Hever Hawks
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Leroy Stadium Team The Mythical Knights
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious Beavers Hontsum
08/27/2024 13:35:00 RBC LLAJ Jos_555 Team
08/27/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp pff geen inspiratie
08/31/2024 13:35:00 SquaNet Ninjas Milwaukee Bucks
08/31/2024 13:35:00 OBLOCK-ISO TEAMKDW TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 U Conn Hever Hawks
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Ice Europe KV Kessenich
08/31/2024 13:35:00 The Mythical Knights Beavers Hontsum
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Team Vicious Leroy Stadium Team
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Jos_555 Team pff geen inspiratie TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 FC Antwerp RBC LLAJ
TV: Televised