League Schedule -- Season 65
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
06/15/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames BT Palate
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek bbc antigoon
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. SilverSh0t
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers Lightning Flashers
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry ballinnn
06/15/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team Sirens Braine-le-Château
06/15/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Waaaff
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée celtic giants TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Roar Zavelhoek TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Beaver St.
06/18/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Black Reavers
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers The Fox Flames
06/18/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn jason007tje Team
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château devilke3 Team
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Shakers Othée
06/18/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants Sylis Nakry
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. BT Palate
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers bbc antigoon TV
06/22/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames SilverSh0t
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek Lightning Flashers
06/22/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team ballinnn
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée Sirens Braine-le-Château
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Waaaff
06/22/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team celtic giants
06/25/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Black Reavers
06/25/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon The Fox Flames
06/25/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Roar Zavelhoek
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers Beaver St.
06/25/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Shakers Othée
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château Sylis Nakry TV
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff jason007tje Team
06/25/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants devilke3 Team
06/29/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t BT Palate
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers bbc antigoon
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. The Fox Flames TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers Roar Zavelhoek
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff ballinnn TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants Sirens Braine-le-Château
06/29/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Sylis Nakry
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée jason007tje Team
07/02/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Lightning Flashers
07/02/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon SilverSh0t
07/02/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Black Reavers
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek Beaver St.
07/02/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn celtic giants
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château Waaaff
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Shakers Othée
07/02/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team devilke3 Team TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon BT Palate
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers SilverSh0t TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek The Fox Flames
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers Beaver St.
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château ballinnn
07/06/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants Waaaff
07/06/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team Sylis Nakry
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée devilke3 Team
07/09/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate ballinnn
07/09/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Sirens Braine-le-Château
07/09/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Waaaff
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers celtic giants
07/09/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Sylis Nakry
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek jason007tje Team
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. devilke3 Team
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers Shakers Othée TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château BT Palate
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff bbc antigoon
07/13/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants SilverSh0t TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Lightning Flashers
07/13/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team The Fox Flames
07/13/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Roar Zavelhoek
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée Beaver St.
07/13/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Black Reavers
07/16/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Waaaff
07/16/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon celtic giants
07/16/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Sylis Nakry
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers jason007tje Team
07/16/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames devilke3 Team
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek Shakers Othée
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. ballinnn
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers Sirens Braine-le-Château
07/20/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants BT Palate
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry bbc antigoon
07/20/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team SilverSh0t
07/20/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Lightning Flashers TV
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée The Fox Flames
07/20/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Roar Zavelhoek
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château Beaver St.
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Black Reavers
07/23/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Sylis Nakry
07/23/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon jason007tje Team
07/23/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t devilke3 Team
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers Shakers Othée
07/23/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames ballinnn
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek Sirens Braine-le-Château TV
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. Waaaff
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers celtic giants
07/27/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team BT Palate TV
07/27/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team bbc antigoon
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée SilverSh0t
07/27/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Lightning Flashers
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château The Fox Flames
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Roar Zavelhoek
07/27/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants Beaver St.
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Black Reavers
08/03/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate devilke3 Team
08/03/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Shakers Othée
08/03/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t ballinnn
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers Sirens Braine-le-Château
08/03/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Waaaff TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek celtic giants
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. Sylis Nakry TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers jason007tje Team
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée BT Palate
08/06/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn bbc antigoon TV
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château SilverSh0t
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Lightning Flashers
08/06/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants The Fox Flames
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Roar Zavelhoek
08/06/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team Beaver St.
08/06/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Black Reavers
08/10/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate The Fox Flames
08/10/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Roar Zavelhoek
08/10/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Beaver St.
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers Black Reavers
08/10/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Sylis Nakry
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château jason007tje Team
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff devilke3 Team
08/10/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants Shakers Othée TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek BT Palate TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. bbc antigoon
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers SilverSh0t
08/13/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Lightning Flashers
08/13/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team ballinnn
08/13/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Sirens Braine-le-Château TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée Waaaff
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry celtic giants
08/17/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate Beaver St.
08/17/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Black Reavers TV
08/17/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t The Fox Flames
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers Roar Zavelhoek
08/17/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn devilke3 Team
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château Shakers Othée
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Sylis Nakry
08/17/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants jason007tje Team
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers BT Palate
08/20/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames bbc antigoon
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek SilverSh0t
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. Lightning Flashers
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée ballinnn
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry Sirens Braine-le-Château
08/20/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team Waaaff
08/20/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team celtic giants
08/24/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate SilverSh0t
08/24/2024 13:35:00 bbc antigoon Lightning Flashers
08/24/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Beaver St. TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Roar Zavelhoek Black Reavers
08/24/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Waaaff TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Sirens Braine-le-Château celtic giants
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry devilke3 Team
08/24/2024 13:35:00 jason007tje Team Shakers Othée
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Lightning Flashers BT Palate
08/27/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t bbc antigoon
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Black Reavers The Fox Flames
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. Roar Zavelhoek
08/27/2024 13:35:00 celtic giants ballinnn
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff Sirens Braine-le-Château
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Shakers Othée Sylis Nakry
08/27/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team jason007tje Team
08/31/2024 13:35:00 BT Palate bbc antigoon
08/31/2024 13:35:00 SilverSh0t Lightning Flashers TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 The Fox Flames Roar Zavelhoek
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Beaver St. Black Reavers
08/31/2024 13:35:00 ballinnn Sirens Braine-le-Château
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Waaaff celtic giants
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Sylis Nakry jason007tje Team TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 devilke3 Team Shakers Othée
TV: Televised