League Schedule -- Season 65
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F windekindsurfers
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Zonhoven BT
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide The Darkside Emperors
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Guco Canaries Montaigu
06/15/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Team Snackbar
06/15/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Antverpia
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Wellen golden hors
06/15/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Hannut bv TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Bulls Terrier TV
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Shelves Groote-Heide
06/18/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Guco
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Athenas8FCA5F
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar BC Blaast
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Wellen
06/18/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Def Squad
06/18/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv B_BALL
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide windekindsurfers
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Guco Zonhoven BT TV
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F The Darkside Emperors
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Canaries Montaigu
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Team Snackbar
06/22/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Antverpia
06/22/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL golden hors
06/22/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Hannut bv
06/25/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Guco
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Athenas8FCA5F
06/25/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Bulls Terrier
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Shelves Groote-Heide
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Def Squad
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia B_BALL TV
06/25/2024 13:35:00 golden hors BC Blaast
06/25/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Wellen
06/29/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors windekindsurfers
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Zonhoven BT
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Athenas8FCA5F TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Guco Bulls Terrier
06/29/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Team Snackbar TV
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Antverpia
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Wellen B_BALL
06/29/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad BC Blaast
07/02/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Canaries Montaigu
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT The Darkside Emperors
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Guco
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Shelves Groote-Heide
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Hannut bv
07/02/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia golden hors
07/02/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Def Squad
07/02/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Wellen TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT windekindsurfers
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu The Darkside Emperors TV
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Athenas8FCA5F
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Guco Shelves Groote-Heide
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Team Snackbar
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv golden hors
07/06/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast B_BALL
07/06/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Wellen
07/09/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Team Snackbar
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Antverpia
07/09/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors golden hors
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Hannut bv
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F B_BALL
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier BC Blaast
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Wellen
07/09/2024 13:35:00 Guco Def Squad TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia windekindsurfers
07/13/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Zonhoven BT
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv The Darkside Emperors TV
07/13/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Canaries Montaigu
07/13/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Athenas8FCA5F
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Bulls Terrier
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Shelves Groote-Heide
07/13/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Guco
07/16/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers golden hors
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Hannut bv
07/16/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors B_BALL
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu BC Blaast
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Wellen
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Def Squad
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Team Snackbar
07/16/2024 13:35:00 Guco Antverpia
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv windekindsurfers
07/20/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Zonhoven BT
07/20/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast The Darkside Emperors
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Canaries Montaigu TV
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Athenas8FCA5F
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Bulls Terrier
07/20/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Shelves Groote-Heide
07/20/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Guco
07/23/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers B_BALL
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT BC Blaast
07/23/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Wellen
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Def Squad
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Team Snackbar
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Antverpia TV
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide golden hors
07/23/2024 13:35:00 Guco Hannut bv
07/27/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast windekindsurfers TV
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Zonhoven BT
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad The Darkside Emperors
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Canaries Montaigu
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Athenas8FCA5F
07/27/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Bulls Terrier
07/27/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Shelves Groote-Heide
07/27/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Guco
08/03/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Wellen
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Def Squad
08/03/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Team Snackbar
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Antverpia
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F golden hors TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Hannut bv
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide B_BALL TV
08/03/2024 13:35:00 Guco BC Blaast
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad windekindsurfers
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Zonhoven BT TV
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia The Darkside Emperors
08/06/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Canaries Montaigu
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Athenas8FCA5F
08/06/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Bulls Terrier
08/06/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Shelves Groote-Heide
08/06/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Guco
08/10/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Athenas8FCA5F
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Bulls Terrier
08/10/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Shelves Groote-Heide
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Guco
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar B_BALL
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia BC Blaast
08/10/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Wellen
08/10/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Def Squad TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier windekindsurfers TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Zonhoven BT
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Guco The Darkside Emperors
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Canaries Montaigu
08/13/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Team Snackbar
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Antverpia TV
08/13/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad golden hors
08/13/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Hannut bv
08/17/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Shelves Groote-Heide
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Guco TV
08/17/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Athenas8FCA5F
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu Bulls Terrier
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Wellen
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Def Squad
08/17/2024 13:35:00 golden hors B_BALL
08/17/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv BC Blaast
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Guco windekindsurfers
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Zonhoven BT
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier The Darkside Emperors
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Canaries Montaigu
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad Team Snackbar
08/20/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Antverpia
08/20/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast golden hors
08/20/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Hannut bv
08/24/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers The Darkside Emperors
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Zonhoven BT Canaries Montaigu
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Shelves Groote-Heide TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Bulls Terrier Guco
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar golden hors TV
08/24/2024 13:35:00 Antverpia Hannut bv
08/24/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL Wellen
08/24/2024 13:35:00 BC Blaast Def Squad
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Canaries Montaigu windekindsurfers
08/27/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Zonhoven BT
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Guco Athenas8FCA5F
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Bulls Terrier
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Hannut bv Team Snackbar
08/27/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Antverpia
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Def Squad B_BALL
08/27/2024 13:35:00 Wellen BC Blaast
08/31/2024 13:35:00 windekindsurfers Zonhoven BT
08/31/2024 13:35:00 The Darkside Emperors Canaries Montaigu TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Athenas8FCA5F Bulls Terrier
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Shelves Groote-Heide Guco
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Team Snackbar Antverpia
08/31/2024 13:35:00 golden hors Hannut bv
08/31/2024 13:35:00 B_BALL BC Blaast TV
08/31/2024 13:35:00 Wellen Def Squad
TV: Televised