League Schedule -- Season 65
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
06/15/2024 05:30:00 MC Player Slayer Team ber wolf
06/15/2024 05:30:00 The Second Sons Syezygy
06/15/2024 05:30:00 Army Victory M R G AngelZ
06/15/2024 05:30:00 Stash Trash SibolF5B
06/15/2024 05:30:00 warriors02 Hundred Lives
06/15/2024 05:30:00 Pussy Cats BisagUnsa
06/15/2024 05:30:00 Noxian Might Aegis n Arrow
06/15/2024 05:30:00 Pasig Pirates sogoodtobetruee TV
06/18/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 8 The Second Sons TV
06/18/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 6 Army Victory
06/18/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 7 Stash Trash
06/18/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 4 MC Player Slayer
06/18/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 5 Pussy Cats
06/18/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 2 Noxian Might
06/18/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 8 Pasig Pirates
06/18/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 3 warriors02
06/22/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 5 Team ber wolf
06/22/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 1 Syezygy TV
06/22/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 3 M R G AngelZ
06/22/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 2 SibolF5B
06/22/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 6 Hundred Lives
06/22/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 4 BisagUnsa
06/22/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 7 Aegis n Arrow
06/22/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 1 sogoodtobetruee
06/25/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 7 Stash Trash
06/25/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 4 MC Player Slayer
06/25/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 8 The Second Sons
06/25/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 6 Army Victory
06/25/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 8 Pasig Pirates
06/25/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 3 warriors02 TV
06/25/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 5 Pussy Cats
06/25/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 2 Noxian Might
06/29/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 5 Team ber wolf
06/29/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 1 Syezygy
06/29/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 4 MC Player Slayer TV
06/29/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 8 The Second Sons
06/29/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 6 Hundred Lives TV
06/29/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 4 BisagUnsa
06/29/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 3 warriors02
06/29/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 5 Pussy Cats
07/02/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 2 SibolF5B
07/02/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 3 M R G AngelZ
07/02/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 7 Stash Trash
07/02/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 6 Army Victory
07/02/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 1 sogoodtobetruee
07/02/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 7 Aegis n Arrow
07/02/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 8 Pasig Pirates
07/02/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 2 Noxian Might TV
07/06/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 5 Team ber wolf
07/06/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 3 M R G AngelZ TV
07/06/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 4 MC Player Slayer
07/06/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 6 Army Victory
07/06/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 6 Hundred Lives
07/06/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 7 Aegis n Arrow
07/06/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 3 warriors02
07/06/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 2 Noxian Might
07/09/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 6 Hundred Lives
07/09/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 4 BisagUnsa
07/09/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 7 Aegis n Arrow
07/09/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 1 sogoodtobetruee
07/09/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 3 warriors02
07/09/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 5 Pussy Cats
07/09/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 2 Noxian Might
07/09/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 8 Pasig Pirates TV
07/13/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 5 Team ber wolf
07/13/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 1 Syezygy
07/13/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 3 M R G AngelZ TV
07/13/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 2 SibolF5B
07/13/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 4 MC Player Slayer
07/13/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 8 The Second Sons
07/13/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 6 Army Victory
07/13/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 7 Stash Trash
07/16/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 7 Aegis n Arrow
07/16/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 1 sogoodtobetruee
07/16/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 3 warriors02
07/16/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 5 Pussy Cats
07/16/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 2 Noxian Might
07/16/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 8 Pasig Pirates
07/16/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 6 Hundred Lives
07/16/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 4 BisagUnsa
07/20/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 5 Team ber wolf
07/20/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 1 Syezygy
07/20/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 3 M R G AngelZ
07/20/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 2 SibolF5B TV
07/20/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 4 MC Player Slayer
07/20/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 8 The Second Sons
07/20/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 6 Army Victory
07/20/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 7 Stash Trash
07/23/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 3 warriors02
07/23/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 5 Pussy Cats
07/23/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 2 Noxian Might
07/23/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 8 Pasig Pirates
07/23/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 6 Hundred Lives
07/23/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 4 BisagUnsa TV
07/23/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 7 Aegis n Arrow
07/23/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 1 sogoodtobetruee
07/27/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 5 Team ber wolf TV
07/27/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 1 Syezygy
07/27/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 3 M R G AngelZ
07/27/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 2 SibolF5B
07/27/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 4 MC Player Slayer
07/27/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 8 The Second Sons
07/27/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 6 Army Victory
07/27/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 7 Stash Trash
08/03/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 2 Noxian Might
08/03/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 8 Pasig Pirates
08/03/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 6 Hundred Lives
08/03/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 4 BisagUnsa
08/03/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 7 Aegis n Arrow TV
08/03/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 1 sogoodtobetruee
08/03/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 3 warriors02 TV
08/03/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 5 Pussy Cats
08/06/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 5 Team ber wolf
08/06/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 1 Syezygy TV
08/06/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 3 M R G AngelZ
08/06/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 2 SibolF5B
08/06/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 4 MC Player Slayer
08/06/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 8 The Second Sons
08/06/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 6 Army Victory
08/06/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 7 Stash Trash
08/10/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 4 MC Player Slayer
08/10/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 8 The Second Sons
08/10/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 6 Army Victory
08/10/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 7 Stash Trash
08/10/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 3 warriors02
08/10/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 5 Pussy Cats
08/10/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 2 Noxian Might
08/10/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 8 Pasig Pirates TV
08/13/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 5 Team ber wolf TV
08/13/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 1 Syezygy
08/13/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 3 M R G AngelZ
08/13/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 2 SibolF5B
08/13/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 6 Hundred Lives
08/13/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 4 BisagUnsa TV
08/13/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 7 Aegis n Arrow
08/13/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 1 sogoodtobetruee
08/17/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 6 Army Victory
08/17/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 7 Stash Trash TV
08/17/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 4 MC Player Slayer
08/17/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 8 The Second Sons
08/17/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 2 Noxian Might
08/17/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 8 Pasig Pirates
08/17/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 3 warriors02
08/17/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 5 Pussy Cats
08/20/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 5 Team ber wolf
08/20/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 1 Syezygy
08/20/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 3 M R G AngelZ
08/20/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 2 SibolF5B
08/20/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 6 Hundred Lives
08/20/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 4 BisagUnsa
08/20/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 7 Aegis n Arrow
08/20/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 1 sogoodtobetruee
08/24/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 3 M R G AngelZ
08/24/2024 05:30:00 1 Syezygy 2 SibolF5B
08/24/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 6 Army Victory TV
08/24/2024 05:30:00 8 The Second Sons 7 Stash Trash
08/24/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 7 Aegis n Arrow TV
08/24/2024 05:30:00 4 BisagUnsa 1 sogoodtobetruee
08/24/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 2 Noxian Might
08/24/2024 05:30:00 5 Pussy Cats 8 Pasig Pirates
08/27/2024 05:30:00 2 SibolF5B 5 Team ber wolf
08/27/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 1 Syezygy
08/27/2024 05:30:00 7 Stash Trash 4 MC Player Slayer
08/27/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 8 The Second Sons
08/27/2024 05:30:00 1 sogoodtobetruee 6 Hundred Lives
08/27/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 4 BisagUnsa
08/27/2024 05:30:00 8 Pasig Pirates 3 warriors02
08/27/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 5 Pussy Cats
08/31/2024 05:30:00 5 Team ber wolf 1 Syezygy
08/31/2024 05:30:00 3 M R G AngelZ 2 SibolF5B TV
08/31/2024 05:30:00 4 MC Player Slayer 8 The Second Sons
08/31/2024 05:30:00 6 Army Victory 7 Stash Trash
08/31/2024 05:30:00 6 Hundred Lives 4 BisagUnsa
08/31/2024 05:30:00 7 Aegis n Arrow 1 sogoodtobetruee
08/31/2024 05:30:00 3 warriors02 5 Pussy Cats TV
08/31/2024 05:30:00 2 Noxian Might 8 Pasig Pirates
TV: Televised