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From: Arty
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Date: 07/30/2009 07:38:12
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Geiaaa :)
I'm Artemis, Arty in the game. I'm 17 and I loooove Bball.
My greek is not really good so I'll use English. If you guys wanna discuss about the game, strategies or anything else, just send me message !
Have a good game !

From: The "Dude"

To: Arty
This Post:
103352.2 in reply to 103352.1
Date: 09/15/2009 10:01:51
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Hi Artemis, I think we play eachother in one and a half hour.I just found out about buzzerbeater last week and I was really excited.I'm still learning the game so I think I'll have some queries in the coming days. Howcome you dont speak greek? I mean your name is Greek so... Anyway good luck in our game,although I think you'll loose

Take care,

The "Dude"

From: Arty

This Post:
103352.3 in reply to 103352.2
Date: 09/23/2009 09:31:18
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Salut the Dude ;)
Sorry for the time I took to answer, I posted the first a long time ago and since there was no answer, I didn't check it.
I was born in France and my dad ( who's greek) never had the time to teach me :/ I found the game 3 months ago ( in the middle of season 9...) and I lost of course :P Now that I know some more, I hope I'll win and go in the next league :P
Anyway, just ask me if u need help,( even though I'm not a pro I'll try to tell u all I know =) )
Pedro Montaner (3010963) is really good ;)

From: The "Dude"

To: Arty
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103352.4 in reply to 103352.3
Date: 09/23/2009 18:56:16
Overall Posts Rated:

Hola Arty, you are older than me in the game,I just found out about it a couple of weeks ago. I also play Football Manager the famous pc game but never had the chance to play a basketball manager game. I find it really exciting. I'm still reading the forums and trying to learn some vital tips. If any queries come up I'll ask for your recommendations. So what do you do apart from coaching Pinewood BC?working,studying?

Pedro Montaner was a good bargain indeed!

Talk soon,take care