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USA - IV.47 > Congrats on an awesome regular season

Congrats on an awesome regular season

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Date: 3/25/2018 12:39:17 PM
Green Bay Gunners
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Second Team:
Baba Yaga AC
The Gunners just wanted to give a shout out to the Jarheads on going through the season UNDEFEATED!

That is quite a feat and well earned. There are some tough teams that you have had to fight off, so NICE JOB and CONGRATS.

Green Bay Gunners

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292861.2 in reply to 292861.1
Date: 3/26/2018 10:11:07 AM
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Thank you. The playoffs are going to be tough. Any team can win it. I feel like the Patriots from a few years ago: perfect regular season then bounced in the playoffs. Good luck to everybody.

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292861.3 in reply to 292861.2
Date: 3/29/2018 7:32:18 PM
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Lets note my team lost 2 times by 2 points by the same team...

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292861.4 in reply to 292861.3
Date: 3/30/2018 8:18:25 AM
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Yeah. Last second shots made the difference. If my guy missed the last shot in the regular season game and if your guy hit the buzzer beating 3 pointer in the playoff game, things would look a lot different. Your team is the only one that frightens me. I've been lucky in a lot of games.

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292861.5 in reply to 292861.4
Date: 3/30/2018 8:12:05 PM
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I stay consistent and build. I pick the pieces I need and see what team they can be. Then pick up accordingly. They were both good games and I ultimately play this game to show I can compete. Its all about the numbers. Unfortunately, the numbers didn't play in my favor.