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USA - IV.50 > Season 32

Season 32

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Date: 8/4/2015 8:41:11 AM
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Welcome to the USA D IV.50 Season 32 thread.

I'll try to be more active this season, I was swamped with work this summer.

I hope to start competing for the championship this season. With my anchors Theo Edmond and Markus Owens already in tact, and my trainees getting better, I think I can try something good!

Also, I scouted a lot last year and pulled a great 18 y/o from our draft, Charlie Brown. The Nuggets' future looks bright!

What are your team's goals for this year?

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272311.2 in reply to 272311.1
Date: 8/4/2015 10:10:59 AM
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Looks like its going to be a very competitive season with a few new teams that dropped from division 3... should be interesting. Good luck and have fun guys, that's what it's all about

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272311.3 in reply to 272311.2
Date: 8/7/2015 1:31:54 PM
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Bold prediction of the season: Theo Edmond wins MVP.

This Post:
272311.4 in reply to 272311.3
Date: 8/7/2015 8:57:40 PM
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ok. Now my predictions for season 32.

Best scorer team --- Dunkers
Best defense --- My team
MVP --- Rhett Head (Again)

Regular season best big-8 team --- Brighton
Regular season best great-8 team --- Dunkers

Most active managers: Coach-nuggets and markinindy


From: Valmion

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272311.5 in reply to 272311.4
Date: 8/8/2015 11:16:24 AM
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No predictions here, but good luck to everyone with their opening season games!

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272311.6 in reply to 272311.5
Date: 8/8/2015 2:36:55 PM
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My hopes is too increase my fan attendance as it dropped almost half last season due to me tanking and going with young players over vets.....damnit i would be able to brag and back it up if i still had the team i had a few seasons ago. I still have a million dollar trainee but now i got more vets with experience.....hope to build up my young guy, increased attendance and make playoffs. Have some fun guys.

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272311.7 in reply to 272311.6
Date: 8/8/2015 4:28:52 PM
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If I were you I would increase your arena size to about 12000. Mix in an upgrade in bleachers/lower tier/ courtside/ box seats to add value. With a full stadium, I make close to 200k every single game. It's the easiest form of income in this game.

From: Maylong

This Post:
272311.8 in reply to 272311.4
Date: 8/8/2015 6:58:55 PM
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ok. Now my predictions for season 32.

Best scorer team --- Dunkers
Best defense --- My team
MVP --- Rhett Head (Again)

Regular season best big-8 team --- Brighton
Regular season best great-8 team --- Dunkers

I like your expectations for my team, and I hope I can live up to them. :-D I'm switching up my training up this season, so I doubt I'll be able to repeat last year's successes.

Good luck to everyone this season.

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272311.9 in reply to 272311.8
Date: 8/8/2015 7:15:19 PM
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You'll be fine! Ive been out-of-position training for like 6 straight seasons now.

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272311.10 in reply to 272311.9
Date: 8/9/2015 12:03:15 AM
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It will be a very interesting tournament;)

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272311.11 in reply to 272311.10
Date: 8/9/2015 9:19:33 AM
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Going to ley everyone one know now that they should go ahead and watch out for my team this year because im actually goin to put I some work this year and be more active.