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USA - V.175 > To the 6 active members of this league

To the 6 active members of this league

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Date: 8/19/2010 8:12:08 PM
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Good luck to all of u. I don't think anybody besides me checks this forum, so I don't mind saying that I will probably lose purposely in the playoffs. I just don't think my team is ready to move up.

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154690.2 in reply to 154690.1
Date: 8/27/2010 3:19:18 AM
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Yes, the other teams are much more ready than your undefeated team. lol

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154690.3 in reply to 154690.2
Date: 9/10/2010 6:37:11 AM
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lol Didn't think anyone even looked at the league forum. I think ur team is looking ready. I have a feeling ur gonna win the league championship. Don't get me wrong. If i get there i will try to win. I just don't know how ard I will try to get there. They might just move both of us up. Only 5 active teams now. I'm not sure if I would rather move up, which i am not really ready for. Or stay down and play in a league that is almost dead lol

U know that they could promote 2 teams don't ya? Are u wanting to get promoted?

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154690.4 in reply to 154690.3
Date: 9/11/2010 10:37:08 PM
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I don't know, I've just been trying to win. lol

If you don't want to move up though, then I would assume I'm not ready to. I was probably suppose to have been building up my stadium and building players to be good when I get in higher leagues. I don't even read any of the other forums, so I have no idea. I just signed up and started trying to win, with no idea what I'm doing. :P

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154690.5 in reply to 154690.4
Date: 9/13/2010 5:48:53 AM
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I hear ya. That's how I started. I've read a little bit now. I'm lucky that i have young players that r prett good. I just realised my back up Center is old, so I found me a good 7'1" 18 year old(Star) to build along with my 7'2" 19 yr old (MVP).
I'll see how long I can stick to just training my Centers. Good luck the rest of the way.

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154690.6 in reply to 154690.5
Date: 9/14/2010 2:53:55 AM
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Thanks, you too.

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154690.7 in reply to 154690.6
Date: 9/14/2010 2:57:54 AM
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154690.8 in reply to 154690.7
Date: 9/28/2010 4:52:25 PM
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Well here we are. Best of luck to ya.

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154690.9 in reply to 154690.8
Date: 9/29/2010 2:42:38 PM
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You too, doesn't look like you need it though. lol

This Post:
154690.10 in reply to 154690.9
Date: 10/5/2010 4:57:18 PM
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WTG!!! Congratulations on winning the Championship. Those were some ugly games lol Good luck in Div. IV. I'm glad to be stayinging in D V, but I tried to win. Just couldn't bring myself to throwing any games lol Truthfully, I've thought u had the better team anyway. The better team won.



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154690.11 in reply to 154690.10
Date: 10/11/2010 10:29:17 AM
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Thanks, GG's. Even if you didn't throw it, it looked like your team did in the 4th quarter of the final game. lol

We are off to a bad start in our new league already. :P