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New Managers Need help? Look Here

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Date: 06/04/2010 21:10:23
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Go here first and read all of it

Still want to know more, want to really get into this game. I recommend reading this if you are remotely serious about winning

Want some direct help and know exactly what to do, I think I can help as I have an understanding of this game so I will make my own simplified guide for new managers in our league, since I want to see buzzerbeater grow and not watch active users go to waste. I don't claim to know everything, but I have found a lot of useful information and have learned from experience of how to win games and get a good team going. I might promote at the end of this season to division IV if I can get passed az warriors so here it goes.

First things first:
Ok if you have just started your team has just been filled with a bunch of scrubs, most of them are probably not worth keeping but a few might be. A quick way to check whether they are good or not is their salary. Usually anyone below a 3000 dollar salary is not worth keeping except to play in scrimmages or to serve as a temporary backup. You probably are going to want to have some younger trainees if you want to be good so if you have any 18-19 year olds with at least all star potential they are definitely worth keeping. When you want to sell your player you should go to their player page and see how much players like your player have been selling for. It should say it above all of their stats from their recent games. set them at a price around that price range and wait and see if someone bids on them. If your player only sell for say 1000 and you just want to get them off your team then you can fire them. If you go to the player page near where the price range is is something that says fire this player and just click that and then click fire and then they should be off your roster. You want to basically focus your trainees in one area ( Example: having all your 18-20 year olds you want to train all be the same position like all of them being a Pf or maybe a C. Or only having trainees on the wing. You want to have around 10 players so your game shape works out.

Game Shape
Your players game shape is determined by how many minutes they get in their games, you can also train game shape even though I would not recommend it. You want to get your players between 48-72 minutes a week for top game shape. If your players have average or inept game shape that is a disaster. Managing game shape is very key to winning and having your players at top form.

Training, training would take me to long to explain so it would be best for you if you just read here

Scouting+ The Draft
To set how much scouting you would like to do go to the training page and at the bottom you can choose how many players you scout for the draft. You should probably scout at least 2 players a week if you are near the bottom of your conference. How much scouting you do in the season determines how much you know about prospects at the draft. Your scouts will have rated them if they have scouted them and have their position known. If not then you wont know anything about them. The draft list will be available after the last regular season game. You can then put your prospects in order of how you would like to draft them, your team will then draft the top available player from the list when it is your pick.

For info on tactics please go here

Your arena is your main source of income so you will want to have your prices selected right and keep expanding.
Expanding your Arena
To expand your arena you go to your arena page and look under your attendance and choose how much you want to expand. Their are to prob

Last edited by IwillDominate at 06/04/2010 21:24:56

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145738.2 in reply to 145738.1
Date: 06/04/2010 21:21:51
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when it comes to expanding, over expanding and under expanding. You want to make sure and expand enough so that is=t is actually making a difference but not to much that it takes forever. You want to continually expand and expand so you get more money form you weekly income.
What are the ideal Prices?
It depends on your team. Usually the Bleachers and Lower Tier are based mostly off performance so if you are a top team in the league you would probably want a higher price then a lower team. Courtside seats and Luxury boxes are more based off the prices they cost. Finding the right price for your arena's seats takes some experimenting. Look around at other teams and see how they are setting their prices and how many fans they are getting to come to their arena.

What do all of the ratings mean
Look here for any questions about ratings

National Team information can be found here

From the game manual
In addition to regular season matches, you have the option of challenging a friend (or foe) to a friendly scrimmage once each week, on Thursday. Don't worry, the scrimmages don't affect your division standing, they're just a fun way to get in an extra game. The primary purpose of a scrimmage is to give your team an extra day of training and experience, so try to schedule them every week, if possible. To show appreciation to the fans, BuzzerBeater teams allow all fans free admission to all scrimmage games.
At the beginning of the season, many teams will be automatically entered in a cup tournament (as many teams as will fit into a perfect direct elimination tree, that is, the highest power of two that is less than the number of teams in your league). Preference is given to those teams in higher divisions. If a level of divisions is split so that only some of the teams can be entered, teams will be ordered according to the previous seasons results. Teams that have been recently demoted to the bottom level are given the lowest preference. The cup matches are treated like scrimmages, so, while your team is still in contention for the league cup, you wont be able to challenge any other teams.
The Scrimmages page shows a list of the teams you have challenged this week, as well as those who have challenged you. As soon as you accept a challenge, or another user accepts one of yours, the rest will be removed from the list, and the scrimmage will be added to your Schedule page. Don't forget to set your tactics - scrimmages are a great chance to try out some new strategies and lineups!
Scrimmages take place on Thursdays, at the normal game time of the home team. You can challenge someone to a scrimmage from his or her team page. Simply select whether you wish to be the home team or the away team from the drop-down menu, and click "Challenge!" You cannot challenge users to scrimmages between 12:00 Wednesday and 22:00 Friday server time, because the players just won't show up at the last minute. During the playoffs, teams who do not have a scheduled game on Saturday will have a scrimmage automatically assigned to them on Saturday in addition to any scrimmage or cup game they arrange for Thursday. While there is a Cup game available on Tuesday during all-star week, there is no scrimmage date, and teams still in the Cup have the possibility of an extra game that week.

This Post:
145738.3 in reply to 145738.2
Date: 06/04/2010 21:24:02
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The forums:
The Forums are a community message board, where you can talk to your fellow managers about anything from BuzzerBeater to your favorite movie.
The Forums are broken up into different folders. A national folder, a help folder, and a global discussion folder in your language are initially placed in your favorites. The first page of the forums shows a "sneak-peek" of recent messages in all of your favorite folders. When you click on a folder, you will be given the option to add or remove that folder so that your favorites contain all of the folders you want to regularly read. The forums are a great way to find new things about buzzerbeater and to compare your team to others.

Finally the Rules of Conduct, you want to make sure you read this it is valuable information that is necessary for you to know.

I hope after reading this you have an understanding of the game, feel free to BB-Mail me any questions you have.